Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Happiness follows work, pursuits and shopping

I am sick of all these editorials based on quick ways to look hot or get fit. You know most things that are worth it take ALOT of work, most people will not drop ten pounds without work and most people can not afford a $500 handbag without their credit card, so in my opinion if you want to get something done, or be sexier, or look better, or have a better sex life, or find opportunities as a model, it all takes work. The short cut in life doesn't bring results. Happiness follows work.

Another handbag, a shoe, a pedicure for a lot of girls is just a quick fix for your image or self esteem, I think there is something to treasure within the things we buy and the things we strive for. Don't expect dreams to come true over night without hard work and when you shop..instead of just buying something random, purchase things you REALLY like, things that make you unique, things that won't just become another "thing" you bought.

I couldn't find crap at Macy's, or that was all I found recently, so I bought these earrings at The Metropolitan Museum of Art Store, I really like that store, check it out sometime.

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