Friday, February 6, 2009

Are fashion models liked by females or males more?

With fashion week coming, this is a question that comes to mind when I think about how fashion models are really marketed towards women's magazines, of course runway fashion shows, and the beauty industry.

Are more women into fashion models, or men?

The answer might be women.

Men might choose a web cam model, or glamour-type model before a fashion model because when it comes to the female form our culture of men likes big boobs, fake boobs, all that. It is interesting how a man may like huge breasts but wants a small waist. Like the only part of her body they want big is her boobs and maybe her behind, the rest is wanted to be slim, or something.

I am not saying ALL men think that is attractive but the word model is used alot these days and I imagine because of the media and how magazines portray women in men's magazines, many men want a girl to look like one someway or another whether it is the vampy slut or the runway bitch.

There was a time however when men wanted a supermodel symbol more than an internet whore. I do not remember growing up and ever thinking "I want to be a model," there was not a model I knew by name except one. I remember my boyfriend in 9th grade had a poster of Kathy Ireland on his wall. She looked big..sorta a thick to me. I was really tiny, like 89 lbs in high school. She looked like a woman to me. I wondered why he had a women on his wall? I mean she was pretty, but he wasn't a big guy, I mean SHE would have crushed him.

Are girls more infatuated with models or are men?

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