Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Warning for Craigslist Models

A friend of mine told me that her roommate was going to a modeling agency meeting through Craigslist.

Ohhh Jeez no.

Craigslist hasn't been totally terrible to me during my early pursuits. But it is not reliable.

Don't come to NYC thinking your going to be a famous model or actress just because you are on an online modeling community and can now put NYC as your location. Just downloading your photo and be a model isn't realistic! Please don't think just downloading your photos on a model website will make you a model. Don't think applying to an online ad that says Looking for models fora fashion agency will make you a model either. Those posts are crap. Beware. Legit modeling agencies do not hunt for talent on the internet. So if you do see a casting looking for models from an agency it is a scam. Don't fall for crap.

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