Saturday, February 7, 2009

implants that are size kkk of sick chick

I don't get this chick who got implants that are size kkk, I mean WHAT will you wear, -I guess nothing,- maybe she will be a porn star, she said she did it for her career? What F'ing career?

What. And how the heck are you going to bend over,-if you become a porn star anyways-or dance or anything that involves motion without pain? Also not to mention just simply relax, damn your back must hurt every time you exhale. I mean we are made of skin, cells, all that, we are not plastic barbie and ken dolls.

I imagine she wants to be desired, or has some issues, I don't think this is something a sane person does who likes themselves even the tiniest bit. What else could it be, maybe her boobs make her feel hot?? me they are totally not hot.

Then I think to myself, What is she saying with her boobs? Well honestly she is only saying that all I have to offer are my 10 lbs tits. More like 20, they each might weigh more, who knows. Who wants to lug that shit around?

A bowling ball boob.

Kinda sad. And heavy.

Aren't boobs fat anyways, I mean they weigh something, so I thought people wanted to lose weight these days not gain it in implants.

YAK. I am really grossed out.

I hate implants.

I'd rather be flat. I am happy with my little ones.

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