Friday, February 11, 2011

Lauren Hutton shares modeling advice in WWD Beauty Inc issue today

Hey Girls, I was reading WWD's Beauty Inc issue with Lauren Hutton and Ashley Smith on the cover. Ok, they are not short, they are many inches taller than me, but I have admired Lauren Hutton since I was a teen, we both have gaps between our teeth, her's larger than mine, but she was a reminder that a gap is beautiful while growing up. Her gap gives  her character and with her eyes full of life and a beautiful friendly smile she represented a new kind of beauty for me.  In the feature today in WWD Beauty Inc Lauren Hutton shared some great advice about modeling and life with model Ashley Smith (another gap tooth beauty).
I liked it when Lauren Hutton said, "The main thing is to remain true to what you know, what do you love?"
Ashley Smith said she loved to draw, paint and write stories. And I liked it when Lauren H. said to "Make sure your brain stays alive or your face will change." And then said, "Read your ass off."
Lauren H. also told Ashley that "It is much more up to you than your agent if you make it. And if you think someone else will do it for you, you will not make it."
Then Lauren shared to, "Stay Busy. These girls are young and they are sitting around with nothing to do, so call back anyone you showed your book to (portfolio), call them and keep volunteering to test with thee young photogaphers because that should be free, and ask everyone you can to get frames of everything (copies of the images) you do and show them to who you respect and ask their advice. Don't spend time sitting around or going into shops. Go out and see people every single day. Make appointments. Look in magazines, buy old magazines and copy old poses and break them done and relax them."

Even if you are not a fashion model, you can apply Lauren H's tips.  Getting ahead in modeling and finding opportunities and success is about the energy you have, the mindset to want more, and the will to reach out and strive. It is a self-made world now, so it's about making it happen for yourself.

You can read the article here:


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